Sunday, July 31, 2011

We found Flair's toys

We found all of Flair's toys. A bunch of nerf darts, fur mice, five bottle caps, cough candies, straws, eight hair clips, a pencil and other random objects, all under the couch. Trouble keeps her toys under the shoe rack. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oops I did it again

I made a mess last night for Mom to clean up. I have a problem with hairballs, eating to fast, and drinking water. So from time to time I get sick. Mom force feeds me laxative, which I hate, to help control my vomiting on the floor. I also get nervous when in my carrier and have twice had accidents. The parents think I need more practice traveling to get me over that. Anyway last night I did neither of the above, rather I did a combination of the two.

When Dad came home from practice he noticed me running around the apartment all crazy. He thought it was my two year old spunkiness. When Mom got home I was in the litter box. Then I resumed my running. She was making Dads lunch and watching me run around. It looked like I was trying to run away from my tail. As she watched I butt dragged across the floor leaving a nice skid mark and present. She promptly checked my butt for problems then cleaned up the mess. At least i did it on the laminate and not the carpet but I was so embarrassed. They gave me more laxatives and locked me in the bathroom for the night with my own litter box. They figured the bathroom would contain anymore messes was cool and they could Watch the litter box for problems. Flair was really upset that I was locked up and begged Mom on my behalf to let me out. This morning I hadn't made a mess in the bathroom so they let me out. I was feeling much like my normal self. Mom thinks it was either the sudden heat wave we are getting or the hair I have been eating. Hopefully I have no more problems. I don't like it when Mom has to wipe my bum and clean up my mess. :(

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mining for Miracles

 This year Mom got to go to the Mining for Miracles lunch her work threw. She brought us back a decoration.

Looking pretty.

Trouble trying to steal Flair's shot. Notice the Britannia Mine Museum add in the background.

For more info on Mining for Miracles go to: