Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flair's first greenie

Flair is a chewer. She likes to nibble on anything the parents happen to leave lying around. Cardboard, plastic, string, anything, even air. So they decided to get her something to chew on. Since cats don't have many (ok there isn't any) chew toys made for them they got some tiny dog greenies for her to chew on. The parents have to hold them for her but she really enjoys sitting and nibbling on them. They don't give them to her often but she likes em.


Flair being beautiful.

Me being odd. I am just finishing a yawn in this photo.


Hi! I know it's been a while but we've been really busy. In the last few months lots of things have changed. It all started when Mom and Dad went to Vegas right before Christmas. Mom came back with a sparkly thing on her finger. I marked it as mine but we'll let her pretend it's hers.

After Christmas Mom and Dad started crafting. There was lots of papers, boxes, and fabric. They said they were planning a wedding and that Mom and Flair were joining the family for good. Not sure what that means exactly they have always been apart of the family but Mom and Dad seemed really excited and there was lots of new stuff for me to play in.
Then in June Mom and Dad left for a while and when they came back Mom and Dad had new rings and Mom started the process of changing her name. Now she has the same last name as Dad and I. Flair took longer to get her name changed, Mom waited till just two weeks ago to change Flair's last name when she got her shots at the vets. Now were all family with the same last name. There is more stuff in the apartment now but thats ok. Mom brought in a big rolly, comfy, desk chair and I have claimed it as my own!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter everyone. Dad got Mom some tulips for Easter and she let Flair and I look at them while she tried to take a few pictures. We of course decided to get in the way.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Picture Tuesday

These are a few pictures of us from after Christmas. Mom and Dad got a new camera to take pictures of us with.