Friday, November 25, 2011

V. E. T.

I went to the vet. . .
All is good no issues. Well except for one, I don't travel well. The vet is only around the corner from home but by the time I got there I was drooling and foaming at the mouth. The vet said it was nerves, I was a bit embarrasses. But once I got my shots and de-wormer we were outta there!

Here's a pic of me in the car.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy November 1st!

Happy November 1st, Flair and I survived Halloween without any issues. The town we live in doesn't allow fireworks so us pets didn't have to worry about scarey noises outside. Another advantage to banning fireworks is no explosive related injuries have been reported and Dad didn't get a single fire call. Vancouver wasn't so lucky they had lots of house fires since they only require a free permit to purchase fireworks. Here are a few of my Halloween pictures.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Flair found a straw, time to play fetch. If you're a teething kitten here's a tip, get you parent to go to McDonalds and steal some straws for you to play with. They are the right combo of soft yet firm and very fun the paw at and chew on. Maybe you'll even learn to fetch them like Flair.

It's Hot!

This weekend we finally got our summer, the temperature got to 29 degrees Celsius. Now that's not very hot for other parts of the world but for us Canadian kitty's its quite the jump from freezing. Thankfully today was cloudy and cool, but Mom took some photo's of us dealing with our mini heat wave.

To hot to move.

Flair enjoying the fan.
Not sure why but I love to lie against the wall like this.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What to do?

Mom has a problem. Okay it's not really her problem but she's making it her problem.

A friend of hers from elementary school has a cat, they only keep in touch on facebook and Mom has never even met this cat but something is wrong. She has seen videos of it and read upset facebook status's. The cat randomly attacks when you walk in the door and is beating up the new puppy. In the videos the cat is yowling, running frantically, or jumping at the window. Mom has never seen a cat so frustrated, so angry. This has been going on for a long time. The puppy may of made things worse but it was never good to begin with.

Mom has made suggestions on how to calm the cat, play with it, clip it's nails, socialize it to the puppy, but the owners don't seem to be listening. Now they have decided the cat needs to find a new home.

Some other "friends" on facebook have come up with their own suggestions on what to do with the "devil cat". They suggest leaving it when she moves, dropping it on someones doorstep, ect. One girl Mom also knows from elementary school offered to take it to her horse barn. This is a BAD idea. This girl is not nice to her animals and her barn cats die tragic deaths. They get stepped on (by horses), drowned in pools, fall of trailers, hit by cars, and eaten by animals. This is not a good home period, and especially not for a cat that has lived in an apartment, even if it is wild. Mom has suggested good no-kill rescues but no one seems to listen.

Mom thinks this cat is either sick, wild, or being bugged. It's not happy. It's needing a new home and this is the chance to get it a better home. If it's sick it needs medical attention, something it's owners should of already looked into but probably havent. If it's wild then a cared for feral colony may be it's best bet. If it's being abused then it needs out. It needs a safe place with someone who can help it. Mom has contacted a no-kill rescue if they have room she'll take this cat to them, and pay for a vet check. Hopefully they have room, listening to the cat yowl in the video scares Flair and I. We hide under the bed until it stops. No cat should be so upset.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What the!

Dad left really early today, Mom says he is going to the airshow with the firetruck. Not sure what an airshow is but there are really loud things circling the apartment. Flair and I are watching them from the window. When they get really close we get kinda nervous. I remember hearing similar noises the day Mom and Dad brought me home. Think they said there was an airshow then too. Airshows sure are noisy.

Last weekend was the two year anniversary of when I was adopted. See the following post for the bowls Mom made us.

Kitty Bowls

Mom made Flair and I new bowls. Hopefully now the water dish wont gross her out so badly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Great Billboard

Kitty from Kelowna

A kitty named Kitty got lost in Kelowna, BC last month. Her mom Barb Cook came home from vacation and searched everywhere for her. She put up posters and offered a $5,000 reward. Thankfully Kitty returned home dirty and hungry 12 days after she went missing. Kitty's moms niece spotted Kitty returning home, this young girl could have a possible tuition fund in the future. Yay Kitty glad your home safe!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

While we were at home . . .

Last weekend we got to stay home while the parents went to Powell River for a wedding. This was the view from their Hotel room.

They got to visit lots of beaches but the one they went to in PR had lots of wildlife. Thankfully besides a kitty toy they also brought me back shells and sand to sniff. I love beach stuff.

Not sure I would of enjoyed meeting a snake in the tidal pools though.

Think I would of had more fun with Mr.Crab than the snake.

We got our new Toy!

Flair I think I smell Catnip!

I don't smell anything.

Maybe if I taste it. . .

Mmmmm Catnip

 I claim this toy as MINE.

Thank you Handmade by Amanda for the  fortune cookie catnip toy.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

We survived!

Last weekend Mom and Dad went to Powell River for a wedding. So Flair and I spent four days being kittysat by Dad's Mom and her fiancé Rob. We survived and tought Rob a thing or two about cat craziness. Mom bought us a kitty toy but she forgot it in the car so now we have to wait till tonight to get it. So excited. I love toys, especially catnip ones small enough for me to throw around the apartment.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

We found Flair's toys

We found all of Flair's toys. A bunch of nerf darts, fur mice, five bottle caps, cough candies, straws, eight hair clips, a pencil and other random objects, all under the couch. Trouble keeps her toys under the shoe rack. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Oops I did it again

I made a mess last night for Mom to clean up. I have a problem with hairballs, eating to fast, and drinking water. So from time to time I get sick. Mom force feeds me laxative, which I hate, to help control my vomiting on the floor. I also get nervous when in my carrier and have twice had accidents. The parents think I need more practice traveling to get me over that. Anyway last night I did neither of the above, rather I did a combination of the two.

When Dad came home from practice he noticed me running around the apartment all crazy. He thought it was my two year old spunkiness. When Mom got home I was in the litter box. Then I resumed my running. She was making Dads lunch and watching me run around. It looked like I was trying to run away from my tail. As she watched I butt dragged across the floor leaving a nice skid mark and present. She promptly checked my butt for problems then cleaned up the mess. At least i did it on the laminate and not the carpet but I was so embarrassed. They gave me more laxatives and locked me in the bathroom for the night with my own litter box. They figured the bathroom would contain anymore messes was cool and they could Watch the litter box for problems. Flair was really upset that I was locked up and begged Mom on my behalf to let me out. This morning I hadn't made a mess in the bathroom so they let me out. I was feeling much like my normal self. Mom thinks it was either the sudden heat wave we are getting or the hair I have been eating. Hopefully I have no more problems. I don't like it when Mom has to wipe my bum and clean up my mess. :(

Monday, July 4, 2011

Mining for Miracles

 This year Mom got to go to the Mining for Miracles lunch her work threw. She brought us back a decoration.

Looking pretty.

Trouble trying to steal Flair's shot. Notice the Britannia Mine Museum add in the background.

For more info on Mining for Miracles go to:

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Last year PETA reported to the Virginia department of Agriculture and Consumer Services that they took in and euthanized:

-       135 of 154 wildlife (88%)
-       1507 of 1553 cats (97%)
-       693 of 792 dogs (88%)
-       1430 of 2224 other companion animals (64%)

In total 3765 of 4723 animals taken in by PETA were euthanized, that’s 80%. 4 of every 5 animals PETA took in ended up being euthanized by them. Of the 4723 animals they took in only 28 cats, 16 dogs, and 794 other companioning animals were adopted, and only 19 of the wildlife was released back into the wild or relocated. The rest were either euthanized (3765), reclaimed by owners (7) or transferred to another shelter (63). That’s about 10 animals a day euthanized by PETA.

Very Ethical.

Info from:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Wednesday Photos

Last night Mom and Dad were sitting on the floor talking we took the opertunity to get them to play with us. Flair is really good at bringing toys she wants to play with. She found a string and we played with that for a long time. Dad put the dangly thingy from the kitty post on Flairs head. She just sat there chewing on it and Mom got some funny pictures of her.

Lastly Mom took a picture of me sittling waiting for pets. I am one fine looking kitty I must say. Not at all goofy like Flair.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Trouble with the Washing Machine

As a kitty it is my personal duty to make sure everything is safe and in proper working order. Anything I see thats amiss I promptly report back to Dad. I have taken it apon myself to make sure that the dryer and washing machine function properely. For some reason Mom and Dad find this funny and took a video. Enjoy!

Sandy's "Accident"

Last night Mom ran off to her parents place. Her Dad (my Grandpa) called to tell her that Sandy her family cat had an "accident" on Krissy (her sisters) keyboard. Krissy tried cleaning off the keyboard, she even cleaned out in between all the keys and washed everything all off. It still didn't work after and smells like cat poop. Mom says that she wouldn't of even tried cleaning it off. A keyboard ain't worth that. She thinks it's pretty funny. I do too! Way to go Sandy. Maybe Krissy will think twice now about leaving for the weekend. Now how to get Mom and Dad to learn that lesson. Hmmmmm


Monday, May 30, 2011

Here's a video I found today of Flair playing fetch with Mom. In the video she's fetching nerf darts but she'll fetch bobby pins, plastic forks, hair clips, toys, nerf darts, and bottle caps. I personally hate the nerf gun, the parents got it to keep me off the table and counter. Flair however obviously doesn't respect the darts like I do.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flair's Vet Visit

Oh I forgot to tell you Flair went to the vet at the end of April. Not for her routine vacinations just to get her program shot. She will now continue to be flea free for the next 6 months. She went with Sandy Mom's childhood cat. Sandy is 13 years old and huge! No one can bring Sandy to the vet besides Mom she is only calm with her. Even Flair behaves better with Mom there than Dad. Flair didn't like Sandy and growled at her the entire time. Flair doesn't like change. The first time I had a bath after we got her she hissed and growled at me for two days. She didn't know who I was and wouldn't stay in the same room as me. Didn't bother me though. I needed a bath, I made a huge mess in my carrier and well a bath is better than having to lick myself clean. Anyway Flair and Sandy will have to go back to the vet in August. This time Flair will get her vacinations. Sandy needs to go to get weighed again. She has been a steady weight for the last few years but over the last year she has lost 2lbs. This is a big drop. If she has lost more weight in August then the vet will do blood work to find out why.

Oh and Flair turned 1 on May 2nd!
Happy Birthday Flair Bear.

My Birthday is coming up too. Both Flair and I are May kittens.


Hey, I just wanted to share with you a picture Mom took of Flair and I sleeping on the futon.

Now that the sun is coming out Flair and I have been shedding a lot. Mom has been brushing us as much as she can. Flair is getting pretty bad dandruff on her back. This weekend she sat on Moms lap for hours while she brushed her trying to get all the hair and dead skin out of her coat. She also forced me to eat some toniclax. I hate that stuff. I run around trying to get away from it. The parents think it stops me from getting sick on the floor. Every other cat they have had has loved the stuff. Even Flair likes it, I HATE it. Not sure why, the stuff they use to clean my teeth is supposed to be the same flavor as the toniclax and I like that stuff. Just something about the way it sticks to everything I don't like I guess. Anyway Flair's skin is really dry and Mom is worried. She thinks that either the winter was to dry (they got us a humidifier but that only helps so much) or that we may need different food. We currently eat Acana which we really like but she is thinking of getting some Orijen. Both are made in Canada from fresh locally grown ingredients. Orijen just has a higher amount of fresh meat than Acana. She also read online that adding olive oil to our dry food may help with the dry skin. Dad suggested bathing us (yep we tolerate baths) but that just may make the skin problem worse. For now Flair is just going to have to be brushed everyday and the couch vacuumed more regularly.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Scratching Post

It's Saturday! My Mom and Dad will be home more today. Right now they are out so I'll take the opportunity to tell you about what happened Wednesday.

Flair and I were playing tag around the living room. We were having a ton of fun. I ran up to my scratching post and jumped up the levels to the top. I got it rocking pretty good. Flair followed me up but instead climbed the post. My jumping and her climbing threw off the delicate scratching post balance and it started to tip over. As it fell over I was sitting on the top rest and Flair was clinging to the side. I jumped off just befor it hit the ground. Flair didn't. It fell right on her. She ran so fast out from under it I didn't even see her. I just heard her nails doing a burn out on the laminate. We hid under the bed for a while. But that got old so I sat with Mom and Dad and tried to convince her to come out. After a long time she did and not by choice. Mom held her and checked her all over she was still really scared but not hurt.

The next day Mom came home from work with toys to make us feel better. Flair played a little bit but was still really skittish. This morning she was back to normal and playing with our new toys. Mom got a big cement block and put it on the base of the post now we can jump as much as we won't and it don't rock or tip over.

It was really funny.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Hi, I'm Trouble!

Today I just started my first blog. I want to start of by telling you about myself. My name is Trouble, my Dad named me. His girlfriend (aka. Mom) really liked the name Soda Pop since one of her favorite books is the Outsiders. But Dad said that Trouble suited me and I try my best to prove him right.

Before I was adopted I lived at the SPCA with a bunch of other cats and went by the name Soda. I stayed in a cage with a bunch of other kittens. One day durning the air show two people came to look at the cats. I did my darndest to get noticed. I climed the wire mesh and chased toys around. All my siblings and other kittens were sleeping so I jumped on their heads and attacked the toys in the cage by myself. The guy really liked how active and playful I was. I could tell I had him, now to get the girl. I let her cuddle me and I played with her hair. I even sniffed her nose and guess what?!? I got adopted.

I am a torbie or tortishell with taby markings. They have a tendancy to be really talkative and I LOVE to talk. When Mom and Dad get home from work I tell them all about my day. They ask me questions and I answer them. I am so talkative they decided I needed a sister so they went to LAPS (Langley Animal Protective Servics) and got me Flair. She's Mom's kitten and is totally oposite to me. I love her though and we cuddle and play a lot. I also have someone to talk to durning the day so I don't meow as much when Dad comes home from work.

When I was little I did lots of bad things. I like to destroy toilet paper and climb the screen. I climbed the wall and hung there till Dad yelled at me. The deviding wall in the kitchen is now covered with scratch marks. Dad says he'll fix it one day, but I think it looks good.  After the wall incident Dad listened to Mom and they went and got me a scratching post. I love my scratching post and now I don't need the walls. Mom says that the only reason I cause trouble is cause of my name, that Dad asked for it and that a Soda Pop wouldn't climb the walls.

I have another post I'll write about my scratching post but for now I gotta go have a nap with Flair. Bye!