Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What to do?

Mom has a problem. Okay it's not really her problem but she's making it her problem.

A friend of hers from elementary school has a cat, they only keep in touch on facebook and Mom has never even met this cat but something is wrong. She has seen videos of it and read upset facebook status's. The cat randomly attacks when you walk in the door and is beating up the new puppy. In the videos the cat is yowling, running frantically, or jumping at the window. Mom has never seen a cat so frustrated, so angry. This has been going on for a long time. The puppy may of made things worse but it was never good to begin with.

Mom has made suggestions on how to calm the cat, play with it, clip it's nails, socialize it to the puppy, but the owners don't seem to be listening. Now they have decided the cat needs to find a new home.

Some other "friends" on facebook have come up with their own suggestions on what to do with the "devil cat". They suggest leaving it when she moves, dropping it on someones doorstep, ect. One girl Mom also knows from elementary school offered to take it to her horse barn. This is a BAD idea. This girl is not nice to her animals and her barn cats die tragic deaths. They get stepped on (by horses), drowned in pools, fall of trailers, hit by cars, and eaten by animals. This is not a good home period, and especially not for a cat that has lived in an apartment, even if it is wild. Mom has suggested good no-kill rescues but no one seems to listen.

Mom thinks this cat is either sick, wild, or being bugged. It's not happy. It's needing a new home and this is the chance to get it a better home. If it's sick it needs medical attention, something it's owners should of already looked into but probably havent. If it's wild then a cared for feral colony may be it's best bet. If it's being abused then it needs out. It needs a safe place with someone who can help it. Mom has contacted a no-kill rescue if they have room she'll take this cat to them, and pay for a vet check. Hopefully they have room, listening to the cat yowl in the video scares Flair and I. We hide under the bed until it stops. No cat should be so upset.

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