Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hey, I just wanted to share with you a picture Mom took of Flair and I sleeping on the futon.

Now that the sun is coming out Flair and I have been shedding a lot. Mom has been brushing us as much as she can. Flair is getting pretty bad dandruff on her back. This weekend she sat on Moms lap for hours while she brushed her trying to get all the hair and dead skin out of her coat. She also forced me to eat some toniclax. I hate that stuff. I run around trying to get away from it. The parents think it stops me from getting sick on the floor. Every other cat they have had has loved the stuff. Even Flair likes it, I HATE it. Not sure why, the stuff they use to clean my teeth is supposed to be the same flavor as the toniclax and I like that stuff. Just something about the way it sticks to everything I don't like I guess. Anyway Flair's skin is really dry and Mom is worried. She thinks that either the winter was to dry (they got us a humidifier but that only helps so much) or that we may need different food. We currently eat Acana which we really like but she is thinking of getting some Orijen. Both are made in Canada from fresh locally grown ingredients. Orijen just has a higher amount of fresh meat than Acana. She also read online that adding olive oil to our dry food may help with the dry skin. Dad suggested bathing us (yep we tolerate baths) but that just may make the skin problem worse. For now Flair is just going to have to be brushed everyday and the couch vacuumed more regularly.

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