Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Flair's Vet Visit

Oh I forgot to tell you Flair went to the vet at the end of April. Not for her routine vacinations just to get her program shot. She will now continue to be flea free for the next 6 months. She went with Sandy Mom's childhood cat. Sandy is 13 years old and huge! No one can bring Sandy to the vet besides Mom she is only calm with her. Even Flair behaves better with Mom there than Dad. Flair didn't like Sandy and growled at her the entire time. Flair doesn't like change. The first time I had a bath after we got her she hissed and growled at me for two days. She didn't know who I was and wouldn't stay in the same room as me. Didn't bother me though. I needed a bath, I made a huge mess in my carrier and well a bath is better than having to lick myself clean. Anyway Flair and Sandy will have to go back to the vet in August. This time Flair will get her vacinations. Sandy needs to go to get weighed again. She has been a steady weight for the last few years but over the last year she has lost 2lbs. This is a big drop. If she has lost more weight in August then the vet will do blood work to find out why.

Oh and Flair turned 1 on May 2nd!
Happy Birthday Flair Bear.

My Birthday is coming up too. Both Flair and I are May kittens.

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